Personalised cheque book production for high street bank corporate clients

Many PCF clients work within the finance market place making use of PCF's long term expertise in the supply and management of secure documents such as cheques.

One of the UK household name banks has been working with PCF now for 3 years for the production, management and distribution of their Cheque Books and Paying-In (Giro) Books for corporate clients.

The bank had previously experienced problems in two areas when supplying the books to their clients – long production periods and a high cost per book for the production runs that were often as little as 2 to 10 books! It was a major concern that despatch should always be within 5 days from receipt of the client request to the bank.

The bank cheque books include the following:

  • Corporate branding on the front cover
  • Instructions for use printed on the inside cover
  • 50 personalised Cheques (or Giros) per book
  • Inclusion of a re-order slip

A stock management system has been set up specifically for the bank to ensure the base cheque paper and covers are always available and the Online Ordering System (accessed via a password protected client login) allows us to receive account and delivery details for the books quickly and to action the production accurately and quickly. Automatic email replies are sent to the bank to ensure they are always fully informed about the exact status of the production cycle.

A full production history is also always available to the bank so that they know when books have been produced and the cheque number range that was used.

This system of careful stock management and fast order processing gives the bank the efficient and cost effective production of cheque books they needed so that their very important corporate clients always receive a first class level of service.

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